1.Introduction: What does the future promise for work, employment and society? 2.Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? new technologies and old socio-economic trends 3. Three s…
1. Indonesia's Energy Development: Evaluation of the 2015-2019 Medium Term Development Plan and Outlook for that of 2020-2024 2. Rethinking Directions of Politics and Bureaucracy Post-Neo-Liberali…
1. The evaluation of the utilization of the 2018 village funds in bintan district and lingga district; Oksep Adhayanto, Bismar Arianto, Winatawira, dkk. (hal. 125-136) 2. Defining inclusiveness in…
1. Implmentasi kebijkan pengelolaan kominikasi publik di kementerian energi dan sumber daya mineral; Thoriq Ramadani (hal. 1-18) 2. Determinan keberhasilan proyek perubahan pada pendidikan dan pel…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Reforms in Political Parties Through the Balancing of Funding Sources 2. Synergy and Harmony of the Presidential System of Multi Parties and Election to Associate Indonesia 2045 3. Presidenti…
1. Modeling high dimensional asset pricing returns using a dynamic skewed copula model 2. Venture capital and corporate innovation input from the perspective of syndicated investment 3. Capital r…
1. Analisis penggunaan bahasa, kandungan pornografi dan konotasi pornografi, serta kandungan pendidikan karakter dalam teks lagu campursari 2. Realitas sosial dalam novel pulang karya Leila S. Chu…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. the role of ngos as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency 2. capturing social capital though bandung city community index arragment and development 3. con…
1. the role of self mangement in increasing subjective well-being of DKI Jakarta's citizens 2. doctor-patient communication and preferred terms of address: respect and kinship system (A pragmatic …
1. the effects of social capital for the management of environment cleqanliness in adipura programme 2. public policy in managing modern stores for community development 3. regional autonomy and…
1. The role of NGOs as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency. 2. Capturing social capital through Bandung city community index arrangement and development. 3. …
1. Study of inequality in providing clean water access in malang and pandeglang districts 2. Implementation one-data initiative and network relations between actors in maritime and fisheries field…
1. Political budget cycles at subnational level: evidence from the indonesian simultaneous regional election in 2015 2. Actualization of checks and balances between executive, legislative and judi…
1. Penanganan reaksi enzimatik pencoklatan pada buah dan sayur serta produk olahannya. 2. Stategi komunikasi pemasaran dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata kota medan dalam memasarkan kota medan sebaga…
1. rural tourism as a chance? opportunities and limitations for the promotion of rural tourism using the example of a pilot project. 2. regional distribution of state financial aids for the agric…
1. An empirical investigation of the twin deficit hypothesis: Panel evidence from selected Asian economies. 2. Does Korea's official development assistance (ODA) promote its FDI? 3. Selective dor…
The size of flypaper effect in decentralizing Indonesia Optimising CSR funds as a source of funding for regional development in Indonesia Exploring talent management potentional i dgital-savvy S…
1. Prinsp-Prinsip Manajemen Bisnis Keluarga (Family Business) Dikaitkan dengan Kedudukan Mandiri Perseroan Terbatas 2. Pengaruh Konflik Pekerjaan dan Konflik Keluarga Terhadap Kinerja dengan Konfl…
1.A study of the life course of school principals 2. The teachers function as a selfobject 3.imperial japanese army at the positions of zakimi gusuku( castle) in okinawa 4. fushimi as a stage o…
1.the problems of the limitation on the residency in the improvement area housing in kyoto city:was the korean occupy 2. the trend of school discipline in the U.S :thourgh the discussion of corpo…
1. Geliat Membaca Sastra lama di Kalangan Anak Muda Urben dalam Ranah Organisasi Mahasiswa Ekstra Kampus (OMEK). 2. Implementasi Peran Manajer Rekod dalam Mengelola Rekod Fakultas Teknik Universi…
1. Tinjauan Pengaruh Karakteristik Entrepreneur, Kerativitas dan Motivasi Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha. 2. Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Dan Pemberian Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. DEKa…
1. Pengembangan Modul Prototipe Bahan Ajar Cetak Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup pada Pendidikan Terbuka dan jarak Jauh: Studi Kasus di Universitas Terbuka. 2. Pelaksanaan Pendidikan madra…
1. Loyalitas terhadap Tim Olah Raga: Mengintegrasikan Pendekatan Pemasaran Relasional dan Hirarki Efek (Studi Kasus pada Persib Bandung dan Persija Jakarta). 2. The Effect of Preserving Wealth T…
1. Analisis Pengaruh Intervensi Latihan Pernafasan Terhadap laju Pernafasan pada Lansia di Panti Werdha Ria Pembangunan Cibubur Jakarta Timur. 2. Faktor faktor Pemicu Keberhasilan Tindak Tutut Per…
1. Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Bebas dengan menggunakan Teknik Menulis Arkostik pada Siswa Kelas VA Semester II MI semplak Pilar Kabupaten Bogor. 2. Proyek Kelas Sosial "Mencari Modal Tan…
1. Dampak Pemilihan Umum 2014 terhadap Indikator Makroekonomi. 2. Pengaruh FDI dan Modal Manusia Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Antear Daerah di Indonesia. 3. Dampak Pengimplementasikan IFRS …