1. Government Health Expenditure and Stunting Prevalence Reduction in Indonesia;Diena Tiara Sari. (192) 2. Critical Success Factor (CSF) of Implementing PPP Road Sector in Indonesia;Dody Kurnia Lumban Gaol, Ratna Ayu Damayanti, and Andi Kusumawati (209) 3. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Impact on Poverty in Indonesia;Taufiqurrahman and Khoirunurrofik (251) 4. Hibernation of the Village Law in…
1. Indonesia's Energy Development: Evaluation of the 2015-2019 Medium Term Development Plan and Outlook for that of 2020-2024 2. Rethinking Directions of Politics and Bureaucracy Post-Neo-Liberalism: An Indonesian Experience 3. The Effectiveness of Targeting Social Transfer Programs in Indonesia 4. The Relationship between Forest and Land Rehabulitation with the Quality and Health of Waters…
1. Significance and Necessity of Critical Policy Think-Tank 2. Roles and Practical Challenges of Universities for Local Communities as Think-Tanks 3. Policy Think Tanks in Indonesia: Significance, Challenge, and Prospect - BAPERNAS as a Case 4. Dynamic Sustainability Assesment towards the Integrated Coastal Zone Management 5. Without Sea, Can Landlocked Countries Hope Economic Security? 6.…
1. Perencanaan pembangunan lepas pantai: strategi pembangunan berkelanjutan di teluk jakarta malalui pembangunan waduk lepas pantai 2. Pengembangan penggunaan energi biomassa pada sektor rumah tangga dan dampaknya pada beban subsidi elpiji dan kesehatan keluarga miskin 3. Penguatan pelayaran rakyat sebagai bagian dari konektivitas di Indonesia 4. Transisi energi Indonesia: janji lama belum t…
1. Batu bara sebagai pemasok energi nasional kedepan: apa yang perlu disiapkan? 2. Pembangunan dan pengembangan science dan technopark (STP) di Indonesia 3. Studi bauran air domestik 4. Analisis regulasi ekonomi sistem ketenagalistrikan nasional 5. Pengalaman Indonesia dalam menerapkan perencanaan dan penganggaran yang responsif gender (PPRG) 6. Studi kelembagaan think tank pemerintah
1. Determinants of unequal access to and quality of education in Indonesia 2. Addressing the limits of production resources through partnerships to improve technical efficiency: a case study of micro and small industries in Indonesia 2014 3. The determinant factors of inbound tourist to bali 4. Additional pertalite policy and gasoline consumption patterns in Indonesia 5. A comparative study…