1. Struktur Kristal dan Sifat Kemagnetan Nanopartikel Mn-Ferrite yang Disintesis dari Bahan Alam Pasir Besi ; Heri Kiswanto, Abdul Hakim Prima Yuniarto, Nurul Imani Istiqomah, Edi Suharyadi. 2. Pe…
1. The Use of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Colloquial by Anak Dalam Jambi Tribe ; Bambang Prastio, Istiqomah Nurzafira, Abd. Syukur Ibrahim, Gatut Susanto, Roekhan Roekhan. 2. The Referential Use…
1. The role of NGOs as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency. 2. Capturing social capital through Bandung city community index arrangement and development. 3. …
Coping with limited technology context in EFL classroom A comparison study of australian and Indonesian english curriculum for upper primary school Developing students writing ability of STAIN Ke…
1. Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Pemanasan Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Total Antosianin Minuman Sari Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.). 2. Studi Aktivitas Aktivitas Antibakteri Dari Ekstrak Daun…