1. Nanang Martono, Ellis Puspitasari, FX Wardiyon Strategi Bertahan Sma Swasta Pilihan Kedua Menghadapi Kompetisi Dalam Pendidikan.(1-12). 2. Heri Purwants dan Coleta Palupi Titasari, Mandala Kadewaguruan: Tempat Pendidikan Keagamaan di Lereng Barat Gunung Lawu Abad XIV-XV Masehi (13-42). 3. Fransisca Nuraini Krisna, Etty Sisdiana. Etty Sofyatiningrum, Ermi Hariyanti, Kebijakan Pembelajaran …
1.Introduction: What does the future promise for work, employment and society? 2.Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? new technologies and old socio-economic trends 3. Three scenarios for the future of work 4. Keyne's Grandchildren and Marx's gig workers 5. The link between economic and social upgrading in global supply chains: Experiences from the Southern cone 6. Pred…