1. Political budget cycles at subnational level: evidence from the indonesian simultaneous regional election in 2015 2. Actualization of checks and balances between executive, legislative and judi…
1. Determinants of unequal access to and quality of education in Indonesia 2. Addressing the limits of production resources through partnerships to improve technical efficiency: a case study of mi…
1. rural tourism as a chance? opportunities and limitations for the promotion of rural tourism using the example of a pilot project. 2. regional distribution of state financial aids for the agric…
1. inventory of invasive plant species along the corridor of kawah ijen nature tourism park, banyuwangi, east java 2.spatial planning in perspective of good governance (A Study on analysis of sapa…
1. Ekonomi Perubahan Lingkungan Pariwisata di Tanjung Pinang: Aplikasi Model Utilitas Ramdom. 2. Hubungan Antara Pengeluaran dan Penerimaan Pemerintah pada Sejumlah Negara Sedang Berkembang. 3. P…
1. Alat Pengering (Peniris) Sistem Vakum pada Gorengan Ceriping Ubi, Penghemat Pemakaian Minyak Goreng untuk Industri Kecil Pedesaan 2. Pembuatan Mesin Poles untuk Pengrajin Perak di Kota Gede Yog…