1. Sufism on the Silver Screen: Indonesian Innovations in Islamic Televangelism 2. Jihad for Whom? The Radicalization of Religion as a Response to Political Oppression: From Turkish to Indonesian Islam 3. The Genealogy of Muslim Radicalism in Indonesia: A Study of the Roots and Characteristics of the Padri Movement 4. The Identity of Shi'a Sympathizers in Contemporary Indonesia 5. The Rise …
1. Modeling high dimensional asset pricing returns using a dynamic skewed copula model 2. Venture capital and corporate innovation input from the perspective of syndicated investment 3. Capital regulation and islamic bangking performance: panel evidence 4. analysing the demand for financial assets in Indonesia 5. Which variables predict indonesia's inflation? 6. Do information and communic…
1. Do prices converge among Indonesian cities? an empirical analysis 2. Exchange rate and interest rate differential in G7 econimies 3. Characteristics of board of directors and performance of gem-listed companies from the perspective of venture capital participation 4. Evidence on monetary polici transmission during tranquil and turbulent periods 5. A financial inclusio index for Indonesia…
1. the role of ngos as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency 2. capturing social capital though bandung city community index arragment and development 3. consumers' perception and frequency of visit before and after wet market revitalization 4. political participation of youth in the west java regional election (pilkada)in 2018 5. improving the function…
1. Stochastic Dominance analysis for the proverty n tabalong regency 2013 and 2017 2. readiness anlysis of regional innovation implemntation 3. evaluation of budget spending sustanability of DKI Jakarta province's budget 4. the feasibility of the policy for the use of technology summary of e-vote result on the 2019 election 5. licensing innovation in improving regional investment in bayolal…
1. the effects of social capital for the management of environment cleqanliness in adipura programme 2. public policy in managing modern stores for community development 3. regional autonomy and local democracy: independent candidates cases 4. multidirectional networks of government transparency: a preliminary model 5. proverty and human right: new direction n proverty eradication 6. the …
1. The role of NGOs as civil society control in corruption eradication in north bengkulu regency. 2. Capturing social capital through Bandung city community index arrangement and development. 3. Consumer's perception and frequency of visit before and after wet market revitalization. 4. Political participation of youth in the west java regional election (pilkada) in 2018. 5. Improving the fu…
1. Persepsi mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi terhadap program kewirausahaan pada perguruan tinggi 2. Kreatifitas dan inovasi berpengaruh terhadap kewirausahaan kecil 3. Knowledge management dan peran strategic partner SDM: pengaruhnya terhadap perencanaan strategik dan kinerja organisasi (studi pada rumah sakit di Bali) 4. Kualitas layanan dan loyalitas pasein (studi pada rumah sakit umum swasta …
1. Comperative Analysis of Financial Performance in Fiscal Desentralization Era Among Natural and Non Natural Resources Region. 2. Social Process of Ethnicity in Urban Area Case Study Between Chinese Ethnic and Sundanese Ethnic in Bandung City. 3. Policy Implementation on the Supervision of Employees Duty at Civil Service Office in Cipocok Jaya, Serang City, Banten Province. 4. Determinants …
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand