1. Linking jobs in global supply chains to demand 2. Oversigh and accountability in the social auditing industry: the role of social compliance initiatives 3. Migrant earning gaps in dulf coopera…
1. An emerging transnational industrial relations? Exploring the prospects for cross-border labour bargaining 2. Positive class compromise in globalized production? The Freedom of Association Prot…
1. The growth of precarious employment in Europe: Concepts, indicators and the effects of the global economic crisis 2. The potential effects of labour market duality for countries in a monetary u…
1. The manufacturing-services dynamic in economic development 2. Technology, offshoring and the task content of occupations in the united kingdom 3. ICTs and labour productivity growth in sub-sah…
1. Smarter indicators for decent work in a post-2015 development agenda: A proposal 2. Social upgrading in globalized production: the case of the textile and clothing industry 3. Out of the shado…
1. Recession, austerity and gender: a comparison of eight european labour markets 2. Job polarization in european industries 3. Occupational segregation by hours of work in europe 4. The gender …
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Developing a diagnostic tool and policy instrument for the realization of decent work 2. Employment effects of trade in intermediate and final goods : an empirial assessment 3.Introduction : …
1. Hakekat dan Legalitas " Humanitarian Intervention". 2. Destruction of Competition Policy Byunrestricted Exploitation of Corporate Patents Exclusive Rights. 3. Akses dan Benefit Sharing Ter…
1. Pengaruh Penerbitan Sukuk Negara Sebagai Pembiayaan Defisit Fiskal dan Kondisi Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Perkembangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia. 2. Analisis Fungsional dalam Penentuan Metode …
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand