1. Work And Rights (A.Sen) 2. Social Protection For All: But How? ( R.Beattie) 3. Equal Treatment, Social Protection And Income Security For Women (L. Luckhaus) 4. Partial Retirement And Pension…
1. The manufacturing-services dynamic in economic development 2. Technology, offshoring and the task content of occupations in the united kingdom 3. ICTs and labour productivity growth in sub-sah…
1. Smarter indicators for decent work in a post-2015 development agenda: A proposal 2. Social upgrading in globalized production: the case of the textile and clothing industry 3. Out of the shado…
1. Recession, austerity and gender: a comparison of eight european labour markets 2. Job polarization in european industries 3. Occupational segregation by hours of work in europe 4. The gender …
1.The architecture of global labour governance 2. Can labour provisions work beyond the border? evaluating the effects of eu free trade agreements 3. Promoting labour rights in the global economy…
1. The living wage: Theoritical integration and an applied research agenda 2. The role of institutions in explaining wage determination in the eurozone: a panel cointegration approach 3. Ownershi…
1. Ethnic wage gaps in Peru: What drives the particular disadvantage of indigenous woman? 2. Gender and labour in times of austerity: Ireland, Italy, and Portugal in comparative perspective 3. Un…
1. unacceptable forms of work: a multidimensional model 2. social security and firm performance: the case of vietnamese SMEs 3. six central features of the chinese labour market: a literature sur…