1. Monetary policy transmission and credit cards: evidence from Indonesia 2. Real output and oil price uncertainly in an oil-producing country 3. Finalcial structure foundation of the urban-roral…
1. The living wage: Theoritical integration and an applied research agenda 2. The role of institutions in explaining wage determination in the eurozone: a panel cointegration approach 3. Ownershi…
The regime of archipelagic states in historical perspective The role of air power in maintaining national defence and security Legal and Regulatory framework to support Indonesia as a world marit…
1. pasar prospektif di amerika latin 2. mainstreaming women, peace and security agenda in. post-conflict peace-building missions 3. democracy institutios, and economic growth : a reflection on n…
Sumbangan Perpusnas RI tahun 2107
1. Changing labour regulations and labour standards in China : Retrospect and challenges 2. Labour relations, production regimes and labour conflicts in the Chinese automative industry 3. Labour …
1. China is a Key to Mitigate Global Climate Change. 2. Implementasi dan Hambatan Kebijaksanaan Liberalisasi Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia. 3. The Strategic Partners and Strategic Competitors be…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand