1. Representation and Equality : Basic Education Democracy in Minangkabau 2. Intensive Class Training Model for Developing Lecturer's English Competence at IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang 3. The Effect of Time Token Technique Towards Student's Speaking Skill at Science Class at High School 1 Pariaman 4. Involving Students Opinion in Actual and Preferred Teacher Interpersonal Behavior and Their Attit…
1. Dicari: Alternatif Bagi Model "Analisis,Formulasi,dan Implementasi" 2. The Determinants of Corporate Debt in Indonesian Public Listed Companies 3. Pengulangan Pesan Suatu Iklam Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Konsumen (Studi Terhadap Iklan Pasta Gigi Pepsodent) 4. Analysis of The Production Structure of The Coconut-Sugar Industry 5. Analisis Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Fundamental Perusahaan Terhad…
The issue of poverty measurement: the commitment to fight against global poverty Evidence-based policy: a case study on Indonesia's conditional cash transfer policy The rise of the middle class in indonesia: Opportunity and Challenge The Impact of decentralization on urban development:case study of Indonesia Does the democracy determine local economi development in Indonesia? the economic s…