1. Representation and Equality : Basic Education Democracy in Minangkabau
2. Intensive Class Training Model for Developing Lecturer's English Competence at IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
3. The Effect of Time Token Technique Towards Student's Speaking Skill at Science Class at High School 1 Pariaman
4. Involving Students Opinion in Actual and Preferred Teacher Interpersonal Behavior and Their Attitude Toward Science Subject
5.Employing Graphic Organizers through Team-Pair-Solo Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of Eighth Graders at SMPN 9 Kubung
6. The Influence of Principals Leadership Styles on School Innovation in Jambi
7. Mathematics Instruction Model Based on Realistic Mathematics Education to Promote Problem Solving Ability at Junior High School Padang
8. Enhancing Student's Speaking Skill Through Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) at English Tadris Departements of STAIN Kerinci
9. Islamic Education Values in Minangkabau Wedding Ceremony ( Study of Traditional mariage in Pauh, Padang, West Sumatera)
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