1. Pengaruh Persepsi implementasi Green marketing Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen pada Produk - produk unilever. 2. Does Market Value Corporate credit Announcement Evidence From Latin American Countries. 3. threshold Effect In Finance Growth Nexus: Evidence From Developed And Developing Countries. 4. Stock Valuation Of PT Matahari Department Store TBK: Evidence From 20112014. 5. Credit Channeli…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Gastrodiplomacy. 2. Partnership With Iran. 3. Desa Wisata Bahari dalam Mea. 4. Natuna Pasca Keputusan Arbitrase Internasional. 5. Perbatan di Pulau sebatik. 6. Knowledge Worker Dalam Pasar Mea. 7. Poros Maritim Dunia.
1. Analisis Faktor Fundamental dan imbal Hasil Saham Perusahaan Asuransi di Bursa Efek Indonesia. 2. Developing Eastern Indonesia: Indonesia Customs Pre- Inspection Facility in Darwin, A Failed Story ?. 3. Faktor faktor yang memp[engaruhi Opini Audit dengan tingkat pengungkapan laporan Keuangan kementerian/Lembaga sebagai Variabel intervening. 4. inflansi di Provinsi sulawesi Tenggara: Anali…
1. Pengaruh Pengeluaran Pemerintah Untuk Pendidikan, Kesehatan dan Infrastruktur Terhadap PDRB dan Penyerapan Tenaga kerja di Propinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2012. 2. Performasi Piecewise Polynomial Smooth Support Vector Machine untuk Klasifikasi Desa Tertinggal di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2011. 3. Kesenjangan Penghasilan Antar Gender di Indonesia Tahun 2013 dengan Metode Dekomposisi Blinder…
1. Developing a diagnostic tool and policy instrument for the realization of decent work 2. Employment effects of trade in intermediate and final goods : an empirial assessment 3.Introduction : quality of employment in Latin America 4. Quality of employment in Latin America : Theory and evidence 5. A multidimensional employment quality index for Brazil, 2002-11 6. More but not better job …
1. Monetary policy and central bank indenpendence under endogenous conservatism 2. Inflation targeting and the uncertainty level in developing countries 3. The chinese IPO examination mechanism affected by administrative factors : New evidence from rejected IPO firms 4. Artificial neural networks and aggregate consumption patterns in New Zealand
1.Efficiency and fairness in the walrasian mechanism 2.Spillover effects across credit spreads in Korean bond market 3.Has regional disparity been reduced in Korean?; A sectoral approACH 4.The economic cost of mandatory reduction of electricity demand: A CGE analysis of the Korean case 5.Habit formation, asymmetric price adjustments, and real exchange rate persistence