1. Stories Across Borders: Myths of Origins and Their Contestation in the Borderlands of South and South3east Asia; Erik de Maaker, Monica Janowski (hal. 151-160) 2. Narrating Loss and Differentiation: Lahu Origin Stories on the Margins of Burma, China, and Siam; Frances O'Morchoe (hal. 161-180) 3. A Place of Beloging in Myths and Memories: The Origin and Early History of the Imagined Tai Khu…
1. Thai Adaptations of the Javanese Panji in Cosmpolitan Ayutthaya; Christopher Joll, Srawut Aree (hal. 3-25) 2. De-commercialization of the Labor Migration Industry in Malaysia; Choo Chin Low (hal. 27-65) 3. The Arts of Everyday Peacebuilding: Cohabitation, Conversion, and Intermarriage of Muslims and Christians in the Southern Philippines; Yoshizawa Asuna, Kusaka Wataru (hal. 67-97) 4. The…
1. Demarcation of the Yunnan-Burma Tai Minority Area in Warry's Report of 1891-97: A Critical Evaluation against the Background of Contemporary Chinese Historiography; Hanli Zhou, Volker Grabowsky (hal. 301-350) 2. Post-1998 Changes in Rural Java: The Rapid Expansion of the Middle Class; Agung Wicaksono (hal. 351-380) 3. The Rubber Boom Assemblage and Internalized Friction: Attitudes of Gover…
1. Environment and Public Welfare in Creation and Development of Economic Infrastructure in Southeast Asia, c. 1800-1930: Currency Supply, Forest Control, and Rail Transport; Ota Atsushi (hal. 3-12) 2. The Nguyen Dynasty's Government Purchase System in the First Half of the Century: Multiple Functions and Economic Rationality; Taga Yoshihiro (hal. 13-45) 3. Creation of the State Forest System…
1. Policy Making after Revolution: The Faces of Local Transformation of the Philippines; Takagi Yusuke (hal. 199-221) 2. Rise of "Business-Friendly" Local Elite Rule in the Philippines: How the Valdezes Developed San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte; Kusaka Wataru (hal. 223-253) 3. Conjugal Mayorship: The Fernandos and the Transformation of ZMarikina. 1992-2010; Meynardo P. Mendoza (hal. 255-272) 4. Fr…
1. KMT Troops and the Border Consolidation Process in Nothern Thailand; Cui Feng (hal. 177-194) 2. The Struggling Aristocrats? Noble Families' Diminishing Roles after the Splitting of Tana Toraja Region; Ratri Istania (hal. 195-218) 3. Dharmawara Mahathera, Sihanouk, and the Cultural Interface of Cambodia's Cold War Relations with India; John A. Marston (hal. 219-247) 4. Two Dark Stories fro…
1. Chinese Laborers on a Mining Frontier: The Case of Copper Miners in Northern Luzon, 1856-98; Jely A. Galang (hal.3-31) 2. Care Relations and Custody of Return-Migrant Children in Rural Vietnam: Cases in the Mekong Delta; Iwai Misaki (hal. 33-52) 3. "No Nation Can Go Forward When It Is Crippled by Disease": Philipine Science and the Cold War, 1946-65; Vivek Neelakantan (hal. 53-87) 4. Loc…
1. Blood-Brothers: The Communist Perty of the Philippines and the Partai Komunis Indonesia 2. Polytechnicians and Technocrats: Sources, Limits, and Possibilities of Student Activism in 1970s Singapore 3. Liberational Justice in the Political Thought of Ahmad Boestamam 4. Independent WOman in Postco;onial Indonesia: Rereading the Works of Rukiah 5. JIt Phumisak and HIs Images in Thai Politic…
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