1. Linking jobs in global supply chains to demand 2. Oversigh and accountability in the social auditing industry: the role of social compliance initiatives 3. Migrant earning gaps in dulf coopera…
1. Elemnts Which trigger employee's intention to disclose fraud via A whistleblowing system:A case study 2. factors affecting intention on whistleblowing:an analysis on moderated model of whistleb…
1. Ecological restoration in protected area of peat swamp forest as an effort to build socio-ecological resilience in sebangau national park central kalimantan, Indonesia 2. Regulatory reform on h…
Asumsi kegiatan strategis untuk roadmap transformasi badan pemeriksa keuangan republik Indonesia. The relationship between the audit board of the republic of Indonesia's (BPK) opinion with regiona…
Pengaruh corporate governance, profitabilitas, likuiditas dan solvabilitas terhadap corporate social responsibility desclosure Pengaruh manajemen modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas pada usaha kec…
1. Analisis Faktor Fundamental dan imbal Hasil Saham Perusahaan Asuransi di Bursa Efek Indonesia. 2. Developing Eastern Indonesia: Indonesia Customs Pre- Inspection Facility in Darwin, A Failed St…
1.Pengelolaan Sektor Minyak Bumi di Indonesia Pasca Reformasi: Analisis Konsep Negara Kesejahteraan. 2. Pengaruh Karakteristik Keuangan dan Hasil Pemeriksaan pada Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Provi…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Rancang Bangun Pengembangan Sistem Jejaring Sosial Berbasis Mobile Web Menggunakan Framework Fusebox pada PT. Mantenboshi Creative Indonesia. 2. Implementasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Sebagai …