1. Pengaruh penggunaan media audio visual terhadap hasil belajar biologi siswa kelas VII SMPN 14 Pekanbaru tahun ajaran 2008/2009 2. Penerapan pendekatan kontruktivisme dalam pembelajaran persamaan diferensial pada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika pmipa fkip unri 3. Peranan teori belajar dalam pembelajaran matematika 4. Penerapan media kartu dalam model pembelajaran kooperatif u…
1. enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for detection of infectious Bronchitis Antibody in Chickens using local isolate of PTS III 2. Karakterisasi genetik tempuyung (sonchus arvensis L.) berdasarkan penanda molekuler sequence-related amplified polymorphism 3. karakteristik populasi labi-labi amyda cartilaginea (boddaert,1770) yang tertangkap di sumatera selatan. 4. pengaruh jalan terhadap kera…
The effect of picloram and light on somatic embryogenesis regeneration of pineapple] High latex yielding and disease resistance of rubber clones IRR 200 series
Dip-Coating Process in colloidal graphite of fuel element zircaloy-2 cladding Effect of current, time, type of feed and cathode on electroplating process Proses ekstraksi-stripping UO2(NO3)2 Berimpuritas hasil pelarutan dari yellow cake Analisis kuat sumber neutron dan perhitungan laju dosis neutron teras awal RDE Estimation of routine discharge of radionuclides on power reactor experimenta…
1. Synthesis of polyclonal antibodies against aflatoxin BI 2. Identification and bioctivity studies of flavonoid compounds from macaranga hispida (blume) mull.Arg 3. Aplication of equivalent circuit models to monitor the degradation 4. Enzymatic Hydrolysis of mannan form konjac 5. Tranformation of inhibitor of meristem activity 6. Genetic diversity of indonesian