1. Assesing equal opportunities in the European Union; J.Plantenga and J. Hansen 2. Supranational action against sex discrimination: Equal pay and equal treatment in the European Union; I. Heide …
1. A Social conscience in the global marketplace? Labour dimensions of codes of conduct, social labelling and investor initiatives; J. Diller 2. Working time: Tendencies and emerging issues; G. Bo…
1. ILO Principle concerning the right to strike; B. Gernigon, A. Odero and H. Guido 2. Costs and benefits of dual apprenticeship: Lesson from the Swiss system; S. Hanhart and S. Bossio 3. Trade l…
1. The Labour Market: A Lawyer's view of economic arguments; P. Ichino 2. Trade Union right: An economic perspective; E. Lee 3. The Net impact of active labour programmes in Hungary and Poland; C…
1. Work and Development; H. Bruton and D. Fairris 2. The transformation of work and the future of labour law in europe: A multidisciplinary perspective; A. Supiot 3. Worker retrenchment: Preventi…
1. The resilience of the long-term employment relationship: Evidence from the industrialized countries; P. Auer and S. Cazes 2. Inverted "S"- The complete neoclassical labour-supply funtion; M. Sh…
1. The economies of child labour : A framewordk for measurement; R.Angker 2. Trade Liberalization, employment and global inequality; A. K. Ghose 3. The Japan Model and future of employment and wa…
1. Primodial follicles development of immature mice ovary after FSH and ovary cutting treatments 2. kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan tenaga kesehatan di puskesmas kecamatan Tanjung Priok Jakarta…
1. Penentuan letak dan ukuran kapsitor bank pada sistem 26 bus menggunakan artifical immune system (AIS) melalui klonal selection algorithhm (CSA) 2. Pengaruh stres kerja, motivasi kerka,dan gay…
Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Risiko
1. DIY rentan terhadap HIV dan AIDS 2. Relasi sosial anak jalanan dalam komunikasi jalanan 3. Eksistensi lembaga kesejahteraan sosial jabal nur dalam memberdayakan anak 4. Persepsi pengusaha te…