1. Re-reading The Mathnawi Of Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Rumi From The Standpoint Of Ethics Management In Public Sector (Yasar Uzun) 2. Assessing The Development Of Performance Audit Methodology In The …
1. Democracy, Efficiency, Equity And Chaebol Reform 2. Korea Cannot Rely Solely On Foreign Investment 3. Direction Of Financial Sector Restructuring 4. Korea's Constitutional History Marred By T…
1. Inter-Korean Relations In Aftermath Of Perry Report; Lee Hun Kyung 2. South Korea-Mongolia Cooperation And Security In Northeast Asia; Kim Tae Hyo 3. Russia's Role In Regional Cooperation In N…
1. Pengaruh Pemahaman Manajemen Mengenai Manfaat Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen Dan Aplikasinya Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Manufaktur; Roebiandi Soemantri 2. Peranan Lembaga Keuangan Form…
1. Recent Philippine Hostorical Studies In Spain; Luis Angel Sanchez Gomez 2. A survey Of Central Asian Historical Studies In Kazakhstan; Timur Beisembiev 3. Institute Of Asian And African Studie…
1. Philippine Historical Studies In Mexico; Maria Fernanda Garcia De Los Arcos 2. Recent Publications On Partially Assimilated Chinese In Indonesia, Malaysia, And Singapore: 1980-1996; Leo Suryadi…
1. The Study Of Inner Asian History In Korea: From 1945 To The Present; Kim Hodong 2. Recent Studies On Modern Central Asia In Turkey: 1969-1997; Timur Kocaoglu 3. Confucian Thought In Ancient Ko…
1. Internet Dan Kapitalisme Informasi Di Perpustakaan; Heri Abi Burchman Hakim 2. Mengembangkan Pendidikan Pemakai Melalui Literasi Informasi; Wahyu Supriyanto 3. Membangun E-School Library Merai…
1. Organisasi Pemberdayaan Dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Sebagai Sarana Pemberdayaan Perempuan 2. Peranan Tenaga Kerja Perempuan Dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Dan Kesejahteraan Nelayan Tradisional …
1. Reformasi Pemerintahan Dan Reformasi Ekonomi 2. Menata Ulang Strategi Pemasaran Internasional Indonesia 3. Simbiosis Hubungan Dunia Usaha Dan Pemerintah 4. Menjadi Transparansi Sebagai Nilai …
1. Corporate Governance : Transparansi Antara Pemerintahan Dan Bisnis 2. Corporate Governance : Suatu Keniscayaan 3. Good Corporate Governance : Sudut Pandang Pengusaha 4. Corporate Governance D…
1. Ekonomi Politik Transisi Ke Demokrasi Di Indonesia 2. Peran Negara Dalam Proses Demokratisasi Ekonomi 3. Pasar Bebas, Dunia Usaha, Dan Pemerataan Ekonomi 4. Wacana Publik Dan Posisi Politik B…
1. Perkawinan Adat Masyarakat Hindu Lombok Menurut Hukum Adat Bali (Perspektif Sosiologi Agama) 2. Permasalahan Subak Pasca Penetapan Warisan Dunia UNESCO 3. Sistem Ketuhanan Agama Hindu 4. Pera…
1. Melahirkan Imperatif Moralitas Dalam Karya Visual 2. The Significance Of Ecological Awareness In Visual Communication Design Education 3. Pergeseran Nilai Estetis Pada Desain Karya Cetak Indon…
1. Employment and concepts of work in the new global economy 2. ILO priciples concerning collective bargaining 3. Employment protection in industrialized countries 4. The effect of benefits on u…
1. The occuptional wages around the world data file 2. Night work of woman in industry; standards and sensibility 3. Devolving public employment services: preliminary assessment of the australian…
1. Labour law reform in latin America: between state protection and flexibility; A. S. Bronstein 2. Labour market and employment pratices in the European Union; E. Willems 3. Atypical employment …
1. International labour standards and human rights; N. Valticos 2. The origins of convention no.87 on freedom of association and the right to organize; H.Dunning 3. Human rights law and freedom o…
1. Full Employment in the industrialized countries; A. Britton 2. Theories of occupational segregation by sex; R. Angker 3. Occuptional Segregation by sex in Nordic Countries; R. Anker 4. The so…
1. Equality and empowerment for decent work; B. Hepple 2. Pension reform in central and eastern europe; E. Fultz 3. Redundancy, business flexibility and workers' security; C. Vicens 4. Job subsi…
1. Poverty reduction and decent work in developing countries: do minmum wages help 2. The working poor in developing countries 3. Labour market flexibility in the transition countries 4. The Vol…
1. Perburuhan Perempuan; Pradewi Iedarwati 2. Menelusuri Jejak Akar Krisis Lingkungan; R. Ristyantoro 3. Etika Profesi Jaksa Dalam Peradilan Pidana; Antonius PS Wibowo 4. Paradigma Humanistik da…
1. Hukum dan Bisnis; Frans Hendra Winarta 2. Manusia dan Lingkungan Hidup; Sony Keraf 3. Konstruktivisme; Raymond Tambunan 4. Keadilan Sosial Sebagai Manifestasi Perbedaan Gender; Febiana Rima …
1. Persoalan Moral dalam Ligkup Profesi di Bidang Hukum; Embu Henriquez 2. Iklan Komersial di Televisi dan Persoalan Etika; Dorien Kartikawangi 3. Sangketa Iklan PT NI versus PT NZMI; Antonius PS…
1. Peranan Agama Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Inklusif; Embu Henriquez 2. Kapan Kehidupan Manusia Mulai?; Wildan Yatim 3. Marhaenisme: Jalan Ketiga Ala Bung Karno; Sonny Keraf 4. Pendidikan Agama Dal…
1. Strategi Pembuatan Film Dokumenter yang Tepat untuk Mengangkat Tradisi-Tradisi di Balik Reog Ponorogo. PM Onny Prihantoro, Listia Deddy Setiawan 2. Metamorfosis Kebudayaan (Sebuah Tinjauan Med…
1. "Moving the Kitchen out":Contemporary Bugis Migration 2. Did Jose Rizal Die a Catholic? Revisiting Rizal's last 24 Hours Using Spy Reports 3. Between state and Family: Biopolitics of Elderly C…
1. Sufism on the Silver Screen: Indonesian Innovations in Islamic Televangelism 2. Jihad for Whom? The Radicalization of Religion as a Response to Political Oppression: From Turkish to Indonesian …
1. Differences in horizontal and vertical mismatches acroos countries and fieds of study 2. Which skills protect graduates againts a slack labour market? 3. Vertical skill mismatch and wage cons…
Analisis koflik atau sengketa hak kepemilikan tanah adat Betang Sangkuwu di desa Tumbang Marak, Kecamatan Katingan Tengah, Kabupaten Katingan, Kalimantan Tengah. Konstruksi berita konflik pasca be…
Kemitraan Kerhasilan Program Kependudukan, Keluarga Berencana dan Pembangunan Keluarga