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Journal of Midwifery Universitas Andalas : Research and Practice : Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
1. The Safety of Radioiodine Therapy for Women of Reproductive Age ; Aisyah Elliyanti.
2. Relationship of Nicotine Levels With Prolactant Hormones In Passive Smoking Postpartum Mom ; Amrina Amran, Delmi Sulastri, Susilasastri Susilasastri.
3. The Level of Knowledge and Support of Husband With Exclusive Breastfeeding at Padang ; dewi susilawati.
4. The Effect Of Giving Red Guava Juice To Grade of Pregnant Women’s Hemoglobin ; Fitri Apriyanti, Lara Andriani.
5. The Overview of Mother’s Characteristics, Exclusive Breastfeeding History and Immunization Status on the Morbidity of Infants 1-14 Months in Sukabumi ; Lani Gumilang, Rahmy Nurmalasari, Meita Dhamayanti, Dini Saraswati Handayani, Didah Didah.
6. The Difference of Zinc And Matrix Levels of Metalloproteinase-9 Serum Between Premature Rupture Of Membrane Aterm And Normal Pregnancy ; Lisa Ernita, Ellyza Nasrul, Andi Friadi.
7. Factor of Interesting in Breastfeed Mother With Milk Formula In District of Buleleng, Bali ; Ni Made Karlina Sumiari Tangkas, Putu Dian Prima Kusuma Dewi, Indrie Lutfiana.
8. Development of Learning Methods for Student Center Learning with Problem Based Learning In Block 4.c “Midwifery Care in High Risk Childbirth and Postpartum” ; Yulizawati Yulizawati, Miranie Safaringga, Ulfa Farrah Lisa, Rafika Oktofa.
9. The Effect of Nutrition Counseling on Complementary Feeding Practice of Mothers Having Infant Aged 6-12 Month ; Yulia Arifin, Masrul Masrul, Hirowati Ali.
10. The Effect of Warm Footbath With Salt of Edema Under Extremity In Postpartum Pre Eclamsia ; Zakkiyatus Zainiyah, Eny Susanti, Asrifah Asrifah.
11. Effect of Dates Consumption On Bleeding, Duration, And Types of Labor ; Kuswati Kuswati, Rohmi Handayani.
12. Comparison of Sensitivity of Salmonella Typhi Bacteria Isolate Tifoid Fever Patients And Pure Culture To Some Antibiotics In Laboratory ; Norma Farizah Fahmi, Lelly Aprilia Vidayati, Hamimmatus Zainiyah, Nailufar Firdaus.
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