Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning;vol :iv no 3 september 2020
1. formula-Based Approach in Allocation of Specific Allocation Grants for Infrastructure (DAK Fisik): Case of Education Provision;Tengku Munawar Chalil, Mohammad Roudo (253)
2. Reviewing Specific Grant in 2015-2019 Period: Consistency and Quality Matters;Agus Manshur (270)
3. Utilization of Information Technology in Processing for Annual Regional Development Planning in Kulonprogo Regency;Tria Anggita Hafsari, Achmad Djunaedi, Again Marsoyo (286)
4. Economic and Welfare Impacts of Indonesia's Tourism Sector;Arif Haryana (300)
5. Indonesian Health System Performance Assessment: The Association between Health Insurance Expansion with Health Status and Health Care Access;Dinar Dana Kharisma (312)
6.. System Dynamics Modelling of Deforestation Rate and Forest Rehabilitation in the Upstream of Ciliwung Watershed, Bogor Regency;Andi Setyo Pambudi(397)
7. The Political Economy Perspective of Forest Governance Responding REDD+ in Indonesia;Pungky Widiaryanto(347)
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