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Andalas Obstetric and Gynecology Journal : Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
1. Premature Ovarian Failure and Epilepsy : Hendra Permana, Afriyeni Sri Rahmi, Syamel Muhammad.
2. Menstrual Migraine : How Hormones Impact Migraine : Restu Susanti, Syamel Muhammad.
3. Description of Knowledge regarding the Application of Independent Isolation and the Application of the Covid-19 Protocol in the New Normal Era for Women of Fertile Age in Indonesia : Ida Rahmah Burhan, Abdiana Abdiana, Zurriyati Hanifa.
4. The Difference of Using Antibiotics Before and After Antimicrobial Resistance Control Program (PPRA) at RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang : Ermawati Ermawati, Daan Khambri, Dedy Almasdy.
5. Reproductive Health Knowledge of Adolescent in Padang: Case Study of SMA N 1 Students :
Aladin Aladin.
6. Relationship between Husband's Support, Knowledge Level, and Motivation with IVA Examination Behavior in Women of Childbearing ge in Padang City : Intan Firmana Putri, Ferdinal Ferry, Hafni Bachtiar.
7. Correlation of Colony Lactobacillus spp. with The Incident of Overactive Bladder with OBSS Score at Pauh Primary Health Center Padang : Rimbun Wahyu Gumilar, Bobby Indra Utama, Hafni Bachtiar.
8. Differences of Magnesium Level Between Normal Pregnancy and Preeclamsia : Rengga Pradipta, Roza Sriyanti, Hafni Bachtiar.
9. The Effect of Oral Albumin Intake on Serum Albumin Levels in Preeclamsia Patients With Hypoalbuminemia in RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang : Irwin Fitriansyah, Dovy Djanas, Hafni Bachtiar.
10. The Difference in Average of Maternal Serum Hypoxia-Inducible Factors-1α Levels between Early Onset and Late-Onset Severe Preeclampsia : David Perdana, Defrin Defrin, Firdawati Firdawati.
11. Differences of Reeda Scale in Wound Incision Abdomen Post Obstetrics / Gynaecology Laparotomy with Topical Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) and Without Topical Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) :
Nanda Tri Wahdini, Ferdinal Ferry, Sumaryati Syukur.
12. The Relationship Between Magnesium Level in Pregnancy with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus :
Syntia Ambelina, Dovy Djanas, Hafni Bachtiar.
13. Thanatophoric Dysplasia : Vaulinne Basyir, Yusrawati Yusrawati, Gistin Husnul Khatimah.
14. A Case of Prenatal Diagnosis of Turner Syndrome with Ultrasonography : Yusrawati Yusrawati, Dona Mirsa Putri.
15. Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma : A Case Report : Rijalul Abrar, Syamel Muhammad.
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