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AOJ : Andalas Obstetrics And Gynecology Journal : Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
1. The Role of Ultrasound in Postoperative Evaluation ; Andi Friadi.
2. The Relationship Between Changes in Anterior Point B (BA) and Baby Birth Weight in Normal Delivery ; Beny Gunawan, Ermawati Ermawati.
3. Relationship between Gravida Status, Age, BMI (Body Mass Index) and Preeclampsia ; Berriandi Arwan, Roza Sriyanti.
4. The Mean Difference of Hemostatic Factors in Severe Preeclampsia and Eclampsia ; Dyhan Purna Setia, Ferdinal Ferry, Dovy Djanas.
5. Diagnostic Value of Cyclooxygenase-2 Serum Levels in Predicting Preterm Labor ; Wiwin Suhandri, Dovy Djanas.
6. Comparison of Pain Scale in Patients with Endometriosis Cysts and Adenomyosis Before Surgery, After Surgery and After Giving Analog GNRH ; Wahyuridistia Marhenriyanto, Dedy Hendry.
7. Difference in Mean Maternal Sodium Potassium Ratio Between Severe Preeclampsia and Eclampsia ; Gunawan Efri Syaputra, Dovy Djanas.
8. The Relationship Between the Anxiety Level and Menstruation Cycle of Female Undergraduate Students Majoring in Medicine of Andalas University in 2019 ; Alma Sylvhanie Lufthi, Yaslinda Yaunin, Aladin Aladin.
9. The Relationship Between the Stress Level and the Vaginitis Symptomps Toward Batch 2019 Students of Faculty of Medicine Andalas University ; Melsi Megawati, Syahredi Syaiful Adnani, Sukri Rahman.
10. ROMA and IOTA Score Comparison in Predicting Ovarian Tumour Malignancy ; Yussya Aulia Malik, Andi Friadi.
11. The Effect of Giving Prophylactic Antibiotic Ceftriaxone and Cefazolin and Giving Ceftriaxone Before and After Surgery to The Risk of Postoperative Wound Infection in Postoperative Patients ; Herti Marni, Dovy Djanas, Hafni Bachtiar.
12. Comparison of the Risk Malignancy Index Value of Ovarian Cancer Serosum and Musinosum Type Dr. M. Djamil Padang in 2017 ; Frita Dwi Luhuria, Defrin Defrin, Andi Friadi.
13. Comparison of Ovarian Reserves Before and After Laparoscopic Cystectomy "Fertility Sparing" in Endometriosis Cyst Patients ; Dwinda Rizary, Dedy Hendry.
14. Chronic Uterine Inversio due to Myoma Geburt ; Bobby Indra Utama, SpOG(K).
15. Pregnancy in Caesarean Scar: Accurate Diagnosis and Success in Conservative Management ; Satrio Budhi Purnomo, Dovy Djanas.
16. Pregnancy After the Manchester Fothergill Procedure ; Yodi Ertandri, Ermawati Ermawati.
17. G2P1A0L1 27-28 Weeks of Pregnancy + Dead Fetus by Abdominal Pregnancy ; Irwin Fitriansyah, Gerry Rifendra.
18. Uterus Didelphys With Bilateral Cervical Agenesis ; Dwinda Rizary, Dedy Hendry.
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