1.Introduction: What does the future promise for work, employment and society? 2.Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? new technologies and old socio-economic trends 3. Three scenarios for the future of work 4. Keyne's Grandchildren and Marx's gig workers 5. The link between economic and social upgrading in global supply chains: Experiences from the Southern cone 6. Pred…
1. Maria Ilfah Santoso's Thought On Indonesia Women's Suffrage 2. "Becoming Indonesia" in 1950s 3. The Structure of Music Presentation In Baliatn Ritual Of Dayak Kanayatn 4. The Dutch Military Expedition in Mandar 1905-1907 5. Values Of Character Education
1. The Story of the pagaruyung Royal Heir Family;Literary and Historical Relations in The Novel of Negeri Perempuan;Silvia Rosa (157-173)
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand