1. Independency of Elasticity on Residual Stress of Room Temperature Rolled Stainless 304 Plates for Structure Materials 2. Improving Renewable Energy Transition Acceptance: A Simulation Gaming A…
1. Pencarian Lokasi Potongan Gambar dari Gambar Keseluruhan 2. Pengguna Skema Threshold dan Enkripsi Blum-Goldwasser Untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan dan Keamanan Komunikasii Data Pada Arsitektur Pasi…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. The manufacturing-services dynamic in economic development 2. Technology, offshoring and the task content of occupations in the united kingdom 3. ICTs and labour productivity growth in sub-sah…
1. Ethnic wage gaps in Peru: What drives the particular disadvantage of indigenous woman? 2. Gender and labour in times of austerity: Ireland, Italy, and Portugal in comparative perspective 3. Un…
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