1. Deforestation in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, indonesia 2. Study of Pteridophyte Diversity and vegetation Analysis in Jatikerep Legonlele and Nymaplung, Karimunjawa Island Cent…
1. enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay for detection of infectious Bronchitis Antibody in Chickens using local isolate of PTS III 2. Karakterisasi genetik tempuyung (sonchus arvensis L.) berdasarkan…
1. Organogenesis Tunas Secara Langsung pada Pamelo ( Citrus Maxima (Burm.)Marr.). 2. Persilangan Interspesifik Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. dengan I. trifida (H.B.K.) G. Don. Berumbi Asal Citatah Jaw…