1. An exemplary view on the influence of genotype and feeding on growth performance, carcass quality in organic pig fattening 2. Lelgal perspectives on regulating phosphorus fertilization 3. Abwa…
1. Data sets to assess methane emissions from untreated cattle and pig slurry and solid manure storage system in the German and Austrian emission inventories 2. Enteric methane emissions from ger…
1. Regionable verteilung raumwirksamer finanzielle staatshilfen in detschland 2. Vergleich von leistungs-und futterungs- parametern in okologischen und konventionellen Milchviehbetrieben in Deutsc…
1. rural tourism as a chance? opportunities and limitations for the promotion of rural tourism using the example of a pilot project. 2. regional distribution of state financial aids for the agric…