1. Interrelationship Performance Indicators Model of Agile Supply Chain Management in Palm Oil Industry; Rangga Primadasa, Bellachintya Reira Christata. 2. Risk Mitigation Strategy for Coal Transshipment; Noufal Zhafira, Triwulandari Satitidjati Dewayana, Dedy Sugiarto. 3. Inventory Control Model of Beef for Rendang Products; Feby Gusti Dendra, Elita Amrina, Ahmad Syafruddin Indrapriyatna. 4…
1. Evaluation of Driving Comparative Life Cycle Cost Assessment of Conventional and Electric Motorcycles in Indonesia: Monte Carlo Analysis ; Lsa Aldira Hafidza ,Yuniaristanto,Wahyudi Sutopo,Muhammad Hisjam. 2. Predicting Human Reliability based on Individual’s Resting Period: Effect of Physical Workload Rate ; Caecilia Sri ,Atiko, Saras. 3. Application of Genetic Algorithms to Solve M…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Dicari: Alternatif Bagi Model "Analisis,Formulasi,dan Implementasi" 2. The Determinants of Corporate Debt in Indonesian Public Listed Companies 3. Pengulangan Pesan Suatu Iklam Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Konsumen (Studi Terhadap Iklan Pasta Gigi Pepsodent) 4. Analysis of The Production Structure of The Coconut-Sugar Industry 5. Analisis Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Fundamental Perusahaan Terhad…