1. Aplikasi Teknologi Remote Sensing Terhadap Sebaran Jaringan Jalan di Kota Palembang ; Akhmad Mirza, Andi Herius, Arfan Hasan, Indrayani Indrayani. 2. Improving Strength of Porous Asphalt: A Nano Material Experimental Approach ; Rani Pradoto, Eliza Puri, Tri Hadinata, Qinthara D Rahman, Ryan Muhammad Az-zuchruf. 3. Desain Kolam Retensi Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Bekala ; Asril Zevri. 4. A…
1. The Effect Of Aromatherapy Massage on Anxiety Levels in Postpartum Women ; Erinda Nur Pratiwi, Siti Nurjanah, Ajeng Maharani Pratiwi, Aris Prastyoningsih. 2. Breasts and Lymphatic Tissue ; A Literature Review ; Muhammad Iqbal, Wirsma Arif Harahap. 3. Strategies to improve the adolescent’s reproductive health knowledge in the traditional Islamic Boarding School in Sidoarjo, Indonesia ;…
1. Grammaticalization Cases Through the Four Linguistic shifts ; Mohammad Ali Al Zahrani. 2. The Reconstruction of Etymon Proto of Sambori and Teta Isolects Spoken in Bima Regency-NTB-Indonesia ; I Gede Budasi. 3. The Comparison of the Formation of Indonesian and Arabic Plural Meanings (Contrastive Analysis) ; Sofia Nur Khasanah, Imam Baehaqie. 4. Indonesian Lingual Variation Use Among Mil…