1.Leverqged buy out ;does the arrival of new targets increaase the agets incentives 2. Two faces of compreshive invormation tecnologi , knowledge acquistions and polarized wage structure 3.The …
1. Kisala basu ,sequtial and circular migration:theory and decesion rules under imperfect information 2.Hong chong cho ,is a group not produce a group good really unproductive? 3.Ken chamuva sha…
1. Mark P. bowden ,social learning ,herd behaviour and information cascades: A review of the recent devloment in relation to their criticism 2. Jin-tae hwang and sung-min kim,revisiting the long…
1.Verena tandrayan ragboobour and anjulee chicooree exchanga rate pass thorough to domestic price: evidence from mauritius 2. Janghee choo,hyoung goo kang analysis comsumser buying behavior : princ…