1. Indonesia's Energy Development: Evaluation of the 2015-2019 Medium Term Development Plan and Outlook for that of 2020-2024 2. Rethinking Directions of Politics and Bureaucracy Post-Neo-Liberalism: An Indonesian Experience 3. The Effectiveness of Targeting Social Transfer Programs in Indonesia 4. The Relationship between Forest and Land Rehabulitation with the Quality and Health of Waters…
1. Indonesia's Geothermal Resource Paradox: Unbundling Risks, Unleashing Private Capital 2. Learning from the Legacy of Post- Disaster Recovery in Indonesia for the Acceleration of Post- Disaster Recovery in Lombok 3. The Impact of Remittances on Children Educational Outcome in Indonesia 4. Adverse Externalities: Impact of the Jatibaru Raya Road Closure Policy on Third Parties 5. The St…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Evaluasi dampak pengenaan pajak pertambahan nilai pada perdagangan melalui sistem elektronik (Yanuar Wahyu Widianto dan Listia Sari Puspita) 2. Respon kebijakan Covid-19: menggairahkan kembali ekonomi Indonesia dengan membuka travel bubble dan koridor Intra-Indonesia (I Dewa Gde Sugihamretha) 3. Analaisi perilaki sosial pengguna Moda Transportasi [erkotaan: studi kasus Mass Rapid Transit (…