1. Segmental and Suprasegmental Mispronunciations Made by EFL Learners in Indonesia ; Maulana Rahman Firdaus, A. Dzo'ul Milal. 2. Analysis of Deixis in Short Story “A Little Match Girl”: Pragmastylistics Study ; Ummi Salamah, Ika Octaviani, Nur Alfiana Isnaini. 3. Information in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Is it Fact Fake or Fear ; Mohamed Mliless, Mohammed Larouz. 4. Strategies in Transl…
1. Expressive Utterances as Found in Zach Sang Show on YouTube ; Mila Fitria, Ike Revita, Dhiant Asri. 2. Linguistics Features of Three British Female Beauty Youtubers ; Rahma Aulia Indra, Rina Marnita, Ayumi Ayumi. 3. Pragmatic Forces in the Language of Two American Presidential Candidates ; Shilva Lioni. 4. The Gold Can Stay: The Meaning Transformation of The Word ‘Gold’ In Robert Fros…
1. Mutual Relationship between Human and Nature on The Secret Garden and Sarongge: an Ecocritical Reading ; Ignadhitya Herdiana, Eva Najma. 2. Translation Equivalence in English-Indonesia Text ; Dwinta Anggun Ummami. 3. Teaching Reading by Using Jumble Summary Strategy ; Gustriani Novita Sari, M Arif Fadli. 4. Speech Act of Advice and Its Social Variables as Acquired by Senior Students of En…
1. The Strategies Used in Translating Idiom from English into Indonesia in The Catcher in The Rye’s Novel ; Hendra Asri Putra, Novalinda Novalinda. 2. Two Different Views on Grief and Agony as Mental Pains In Emily Dickinson's Poems ; Naila Amilia Satria. 3. The Influence of Nature toward the Main Character’s Self-Realization in David Malouf’s An Imaginary Life: an Eco-Critical Reading …
1. Medium Specificities of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson: Marvel Comic, Video Game, and Korean TV Drama ; Edria Sandika. 2. Narrative Functions of Ecology in The Novel Aroma Karsa by Dee Lestari ; Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Nur Ali, Retno Budi Astuti. 3. Being Muslim Immigrants in America: Preservation, Resistance, and Negotiation of Identity in Ayad Akhtar’s…
1. Code Switching and Code Mixing Study in “Hitam Putih” Talk Show Program ; Ayu Wulandari. 2. Drama in Fostering Students’ Speaking Skills: A Systematic Review on Benefits and Problems ; Fitri Rahmawati Astiandani, Ali Mustofa. 3. Rethinking the Education Paradigm in Morocco in the Covid-19 Context- Assessment of Resilience Curricula in Higher Education ; Zineb Birrou, Aziz Kich, Moham…
1. Sign And Meaning Related To Hair Styles Found In Allure Magazine Cover ; Darma Nopiyati. 2. Cultural Hegemony in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series ; Shalih Dzakiyyah Farda. 3. The Main Character’s Loss,Emptiness and Object of Desire in Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief ; Rizka Merdifa. 4. Nature’s Role Toward Mental And Physical Healing Reflected On The Secret Garden By Frances Hudg…
1. Experiences Around the Clauses: A Transitivity Analysis of Four Famous People’s Suicide Notes ; Sawirman Sawirman, Nurul Huda Ridhwani. 2. Expressive Speech Acts at Ages 18+ in Auction Place (TPI) Community ; Reisti Shintiana Putri, Veronica Veronica, Ressty Putri Ariyati, Rego Yasendalika, Ike Revita. 3. Women’s Rights and Colonization in The Short Story of The Jakarta Post ; Ferdinal…
1. A Theory of Teaching English Language in Higher Education to Improve English Language Social and Communicative Contexts ; Dr. Hamed Fathi. 2. Project Work and Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language ; Keramida Areti. 3. The Effect of Interactive-Image Elaboration on the Acquisition of Foreign Language Vocabulary ; Abdullah M.A. Alhomaidan…
1. Study of the Influence of Television Advertising on the Purchasing Decision of Energy Drinks Consumers at Cotonou (South Benin) ; Rémi KODJO, Jean-Euloge GBAGUIDI. 2. Learning Arabic as a Third Space: An Ethnography of Chinese Muslim Women ; Jia Li, Yuanmeng Ma, Yuanyuan Bi. 3. The Representations of Options and Cultural Elements in English Language Textbooks Used in Myanmar ; Jia Li, Zhi…
1. Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Speech I Have a Dream and Malcom X’s Speech A Message to the Grassroots ; Ibtesam Abdul Aziz Bajri, Eelaf Othman. 2. Authenticity and Digital Taxonomy for Pragmatic Integrative Call through Three Approaches: Teachers’ Perspectives ; Marvin Wacnag Lidawan, Ahmed Saad Al Shlowiy. 3. Assessment and Prospects for Improving the Mana…
1. The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Proficiency Level and Their Performance on a Test of English Articles ; Abolfazl Mosaffa Jahromi, Mahmoud Mobaraki. 2. Language as a Looking Glass: A Glimpse at How Proverbs Reflect Gender Bias ; Monika Ciesielkiewicz. 3. Enhancing Learners’ Subjectivity - Application of Multimodality in Chinese EFL Classrooms of Higher Vocational Colleges ; Wu Ya…
1. Morphological Knowledge and Learning a Foreign Language: A Case Study ; Mahmoud Mobaraki, Abolfazl Mosaffa Jahromi. 2. Giving and Receiving Feedback ; Kim Svetlana Terentyevna, Kabulova Gulruxsor Ulugbekovna. 3. Investigating the Challenges of Integrating Information and Communication Technology in Teaching English Language ; Omer Awad Salama Idris. 4. “Three Dimensional” Model in the…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. the korean tradition of humor in psy's gangnam style 2. familist individualization of ever single korean youths in their late 30 s: individualization and transformed familism in the neoliberal era 3. the making of a modern myth: inventing a tradition for taekwondo 4. legacies of japanese colonialist historiography and scholarly views on wiman joseon 5. the patato revolution in the DPRK: …
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand