1. Maria Ilfah Santoso's Thought On Indonesia Women's Suffrage 2. "Becoming Indonesia" in 1950s 3. The Structure of Music Presentation In Baliatn Ritual Of Dayak Kanayatn 4. The Dutch Military Expedition in Mandar 1905-1907 5. Values Of Character Education
1. Re-reading The Mathnawi Of Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Rumi From The Standpoint Of Ethics Management In Public Sector (Yasar Uzun) 2. Assessing The Development Of Performance Audit Methodology In The Supreme Audit Institution: The Case Of Indonesia (Nico Andrianto) 3. Mapping Of Budget Stress In Indonesia: Consequence On Budget Implementation (Ronald Tehupuring) 4. Analysis Of Regional Finansial…
Peran bahan ajar digital sigil dalam mempersiapkan kemandirian belajar peserta didik (99-110) Ommen sebagai solusi pembelajaran fisika daerah 3T untuk pendidikan 4.0 dan pemerataan di Indonesia (111-122) Pemanfaatan portal rumah belajar untuk meningkatkan kompetensi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi guru daerah tertinggal (123-136) Pemanfaatan media audiovisual untuk peningkatkan aktivitas …
Ada 10 Judul jurnal
1. Represi yang gagal : Relasi negara dan jemaat ahmadiyah di tingkat lokal ; Mahbib Khoiron 2. Resolusi Konflik Umat Baha'i dengan Muslim : Studi kasus di pati, jawa Tengah ; Moh Rosyid 3. Menakar Efektivitas SKB Tentang Ahmadiyah dan Faktor Penyebabnya : Studi Kasus Konflik Ahmadiyah di Desa Gereneng Lombok Timur ; Abdul Jamil Wahab. 4. Ruqyah Syar'iyyah : Alternatif Pengobatan,Kesalehan, …
Measuring privacy leakage in term of shannon entropy, On the Synthesis of a Line ar Quadratic Controller for a Quadcopter, Development of Stamping Machine Module to Improve Practical Competency, Saving the Moving Position on the Continuous Passive Motion Machine for Rehabilition of Shoulder Joints, Microcontroller Based Simple Water Flow Rate Control System to Increase the Efficiency of Solar E…
1. Solving Inverse Problems Interestingly 2. Characterictics of Solar Still With heat Exchangers on the Cover Glass 3. Area under the Curves, Volume of Rotated, and Surface Area Rotate About Slanted Line 4. Comparison Simulation 5. Aplication of Klein-4 6. Smart Campus Mobile Application
1. The Story of the pagaruyung Royal Heir Family;Literary and Historical Relations in The Novel of Negeri Perempuan;Silvia Rosa (157-173)
1. Growth of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) Fed with Pak Choi (Brassica chinensis) and Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Residues; Agus Dana Permana, Ramadhani Eka Putra, Auliya Nurulfah, dkk (hal. 93-102) 2. True Shallot (Allium cepa var ascalonicum) Seed Production During Off Season; Ramadhani Eka Putra, D. Beta Ramadan, Adriyanita Adin, dkk (hal. 103-109) 3. Interleukin Levels in the Zi…
1. Evaluation of Revegetation Practices in Post-mined Areas in Indonesia; Meilina Wijayanti, Gerald Kapp, Irdika Mansur (hal. 189-198) 2. Effect of Probiotics on White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Growth; Ratu Safitri, Sunendi, Yuli Andriani, dkk (hal. 199-208) 3. Prevention Methods Againts Aeromonas hydrop[hila and Pseudomonas fluorescene Infection in Tilapia; Esti Handayni Hardi, Gina Sapt…
1. Kemiskinan struktural komunitas nelayan di kelurahan sumber jaya kecamatan Kampung Melayu kota Bengkulu; Eine Yamitha Pinem, Septri Widiono, Irnad. (hal.91-112) 2. Pengembangan kapasitas dan jaringan sosial pada koperasi Bmt Trans di Desa Mulya Sari Kecamatan Tanjung Logo Kabupaten Banyuasin; Anggun Apriani, Mulyanto, Abudullah Idi. (hal.113-125) 3. Peran Peer Group dalam membentuk perilak…
1. Growth and Meat Quality Enhancement of Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Using Recombinant Growth Hormone; Reni Aguistina Lubis, Alimuddin, Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo. (hal. 1-8) 2. Placement of Syzygium boerlagei (Merr.) Govaerts (MYRTACEAE) Confirmed with ATPB-RBCL Intergenic Spacer; Pudji Widodo, Tatik Chikmawati, dan Yayan Wqahyu Chandra Kusuma (hal. 9-15) 3. Inhibitory Activi…
Ada 9 judul jurnal
1. A comparative study on export promotion programs: Manufacturing versus services; Siwook Lee (hal. 247) 2. Labor reallocation and productivity growth; Hyelin Choii (hal.271) 3. Do international clearing unions enhance trade? An empirical evaluation of the Asian clearing union; Vijay Singh Shekhawat and Vinish Kathuria (hal. 297) 4. The robustness of population-weighted individual income di…
1. Political Changes And Inter-Korean Relations; Kwon Man-hak 2. Impact Of North Korea's Satellite Launch; Kim Young-hie 3. Prospects For Change Under Kim Jong-il Regime; Kim Hak-joon 4. Unfication And Inter-Korean Military Integration, Han Yong-sup 5. Future Of Korea-Japan Ties; Kim Sang-woo 6. Economic And Political Reforms In Korea; Ahn Choong-yong 7. Dual Pursuit Of Pump Priming And R…
1. North Korea As A U.S.-China Flashpoint?; Han S. Park 2. Chinese Policy Toward North Korea In The Post-Kim Jong Il Era; Zhu Feng And Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga 3. The Impact Of A South Korea-China FTA On North Korea; Troy Stangarone 4. Hub Or Backwater? North Korea Between Alternative Conceptions Of Northeast Asian Regional Economic Cooperation; Balazs Szalontai 5.China-North Korea Ties I…
1. Comprehending The Link Between CSR in SMEs in a Global Marketplace; Aaron Antonio Vargas Zeledon. 2. The Antecedents of Purchasing Intention on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia; Hendardi Agustino Gondoiswanto, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya. 3. Impact Of Digital Leadership on Small Medium Enterprises Resilience: The Mediating Role of Employee Creativity; Rahmat Eka Putra, Sepri Neswardi, Primadona P…
1. The Role of Destination Image in Building Loyalty of Halal Tourism Destinations: Satisfaction as Mediating Variable; Haryeni Haryeni, Yasri Yasri, Susi Evanita. 2. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress on Nurse Commitment with Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable; Herrik Yuza, Hendra Lukito. 3. The Influence of Psychological Safety towards Employee Engagement Using Organizati…
1. Effect of TiO2 on Orange Peel Activated Carbon Composite in Reducing Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbon Gas Emissions; Ya' Muhammad Arsyad, Dwiria Wahyuni, Nurhasanah Nurhasanah, Bintoro Siswo Nugroho, Riza Adriat, Agus Prasetiono, Wahyu Tri Hidayat. 2. Utilization of LDPE Plastic Waste, Coconut Shell and Coconut Husk as Basic Material for Briquettes with Tapioca Starch Adhesive; Sheilla Rully…