Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Stories Across Borders: Myths of Origins and Their Contestation in the Borderlands of South and South3east Asia; Erik de Maaker, Monica Janowski (hal. 151-160) 2. Narrating Loss and Differentiation: Lahu Origin Stories on the Margins of Burma, China, and Siam; Frances O'Morchoe (hal. 161-180) 3. A Place of Beloging in Myths and Memories: The Origin and Early History of the Imagined Tai Khu…
1. Thai Adaptations of the Javanese Panji in Cosmpolitan Ayutthaya; Christopher Joll, Srawut Aree (hal. 3-25) 2. De-commercialization of the Labor Migration Industry in Malaysia; Choo Chin Low (hal. 27-65) 3. The Arts of Everyday Peacebuilding: Cohabitation, Conversion, and Intermarriage of Muslims and Christians in the Southern Philippines; Yoshizawa Asuna, Kusaka Wataru (hal. 67-97) 4. The…
1. Demarcation of the Yunnan-Burma Tai Minority Area in Warry's Report of 1891-97: A Critical Evaluation against the Background of Contemporary Chinese Historiography; Hanli Zhou, Volker Grabowsky (hal. 301-350) 2. Post-1998 Changes in Rural Java: The Rapid Expansion of the Middle Class; Agung Wicaksono (hal. 351-380) 3. The Rubber Boom Assemblage and Internalized Friction: Attitudes of Gover…
1. Environment and Public Welfare in Creation and Development of Economic Infrastructure in Southeast Asia, c. 1800-1930: Currency Supply, Forest Control, and Rail Transport; Ota Atsushi (hal. 3-12) 2. The Nguyen Dynasty's Government Purchase System in the First Half of the Century: Multiple Functions and Economic Rationality; Taga Yoshihiro (hal. 13-45) 3. Creation of the State Forest System…
1. Policy Making after Revolution: The Faces of Local Transformation of the Philippines; Takagi Yusuke (hal. 199-221) 2. Rise of "Business-Friendly" Local Elite Rule in the Philippines: How the Valdezes Developed San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte; Kusaka Wataru (hal. 223-253) 3. Conjugal Mayorship: The Fernandos and the Transformation of ZMarikina. 1992-2010; Meynardo P. Mendoza (hal. 255-272) 4. Fr…
1. KMT Troops and the Border Consolidation Process in Nothern Thailand; Cui Feng (hal. 177-194) 2. The Struggling Aristocrats? Noble Families' Diminishing Roles after the Splitting of Tana Toraja Region; Ratri Istania (hal. 195-218) 3. Dharmawara Mahathera, Sihanouk, and the Cultural Interface of Cambodia's Cold War Relations with India; John A. Marston (hal. 219-247) 4. Two Dark Stories fro…
1. Chinese Laborers on a Mining Frontier: The Case of Copper Miners in Northern Luzon, 1856-98; Jely A. Galang (hal.3-31) 2. Care Relations and Custody of Return-Migrant Children in Rural Vietnam: Cases in the Mekong Delta; Iwai Misaki (hal. 33-52) 3. "No Nation Can Go Forward When It Is Crippled by Disease": Philipine Science and the Cold War, 1946-65; Vivek Neelakantan (hal. 53-87) 4. Loc…
1. Blood-Brothers: The Communist Perty of the Philippines and the Partai Komunis Indonesia 2. Polytechnicians and Technocrats: Sources, Limits, and Possibilities of Student Activism in 1970s Singapore 3. Liberational Justice in the Political Thought of Ahmad Boestamam 4. Independent WOman in Postco;onial Indonesia: Rereading the Works of Rukiah 5. JIt Phumisak and HIs Images in Thai Politic…
1. Protection And Power In Siam: From Khun Chang Phaen To The Buddha Amulet (Chris Baker And Pasuk Phongpaichit) 2. Seeking Haven And Seeking Jobs: Migrant Workers' Networks In Two Thai Locales (Nobpaon Rabibhadana And Yoko Hayami) 3. Emergent Processes Of Language Acquistion: Japanese Language Learning And The Consumption Of Japanese Cultural Product In Thailand (Noboru Toyoshima) 4. Agrom…
1. Deteksi Objek Perjalana Kaki Dengan Menggunakan Analisis Gerak Analisis tekstur, dan Riemanian Manifolds 2. Analisi dan Implementasi Introsiun Detection Syetem (IDS) Untuk Pemberitahuan Serangan Pada Keamaan sistem jaringan Komputer Mlalui Email 3. Perancangan dan Implementasi Antar muka Aplikasi Mobile Remote Network untuk Maintanace Router Menggunakan Mobile Device Berbasis Android 4. A…
1. Persoalan di Pelabuhan, Benarkah Hanya Dwelling Time? 2. Menuju Single Agency 3. Kerjasama Pengamanan Maritim Sangatlah Penting 4. Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup dalam Perspektif Keseimbangan 5. Siapa yang Harus Melindungi Pelaut Perikanan Indonesia?
1. Pengaruh jenis dan interval zat pengatur tumbuh terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman anggrek dendrobium sp 2. Analisis pembiayaan dan pendapatan usaha tani tanaman kelapa sawit 3. Pengaruh umur bibit terhadap anakan, pembugaan dan hasil padi pada metode sri 4. Keanekaragaman jfoenislichenes di hutan lindung aek nauli - parapat kabupaten simalungan sumatera utara 5. efek ekstrak pegagan…
1. persoalan di pelabuhan, benarkah hannya dwelling time? 2. menuju single agency 3. kerjasama pengamanan maritim sangatlah penting 4. pelestarian lingkungan hidup dalam perspektif keseimbangan 5. siapa yang harus melindungi pelaut perikanan indonesia
1. asian games IV 1962 di jakarta: motivasi dan capaiannya 2. nasonalisme dan politik tim sepak bola Hindia Belanda dalam ajang piala dunia ketiga(1930-1938) 3. PSSI pada masa abdul wahab Djojohadikoesoemo: 1959-1964 4. dari klein haven sampai grote haven: pelabuhan belawan 1870-1940 5. jaringan bisnis dan budaya kerja sama perusahaan konveksi cipadu 1985-2012 6. kampung pulopancka: potret…
1. respon morfologi empat genotipe kedelai terhadap salinitas 2. karakterisasi pisang hibrid tetraploid GRNK hasl perslangan pisang triploid Goroho dengan pisang liar diploid musa acuminata colla var nakaii nasution 3. divergensi DNA mitokondria pada burung pijantung kecil (aracnothera longirostra) dari indonesia 4. peningkatan pertumbuhan kultur tunas stevia rebaudiana bertoni pada media d…
1. An empirical investigation of the twin deficit hypothesis: Panel evidence from selected Asian economies. 2. Does Korea's official development assistance (ODA) promote its FDI? 3. Selective doreign exchange hedging for Korean importers. 4. Financial devellopment, financial sector policies and growth: evidence from india. 5. Impact of financial friction on productivity and international r…