1. Agricultural Environment 2. Agricultural Economics 3. Animal Husbandry
1.Introduction: What does the future promise for work, employment and society? 2.Whither the evolution of the contemporary social fabric? new technologies and old socio-economic trends 3. Three scenarios for the future of work 4. Keyne's Grandchildren and Marx's gig workers 5. The link between economic and social upgrading in global supply chains: Experiences from the Southern cone 6. Pred…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Regional trade liberalisatuion: a theoretical review of dynamic time-path and stability issues 2. A review of corporate governance in China 3. Chinese macroeconomi management through the crisis and beyond 4. Finance and long-term development issues in Southeast Asia 5. Inflation in developing Asia: pass-through from global food and oil price shocks 6. Asseeing the perfomence of inflatio…
1. Meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII IPS SMAS PSM Bukit Tinggi dalam mata pelajaran Geografi melalui pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe group investigation 2. Penerapan metode cooperative integrated reading and composition (circ) untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas I TN 1 pada mata pelajaran Ekonomi di SMK Negeri 1 Padang Panjang 3. Peningkatan hasil belajar si…
1. Incentives adn Enterprise 2. Intrinsic Bubbles, Target Zones and Investment under Uncertainty 3. The Optimal Pattern of Price Discrimination in Factor Markets 4. The Possibility of a Pareto-imporving Transition in Optimal Tax Theory 5. Industrial Policy and Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan: A Case Study on Die and Mold Industry 6. Bussines Cycles in an Economy with Nominal Price Ri…
18. Taking Root: Cross-sector collaboration is propelling the agriculture industry toward a sustainable future 48. Seeking Safer Skies: Taiwan warrants pragmatic and professional participation in ICAO's activities, mechanism and meetings 68. A love affair with the spinning top makes Daxi District a unique visitor experience
1. Modeling high dimensional asset pricing returns using a dynamic skewed copula model 2. Venture capital and corporate innovation input from the perspective of syndicated investment 3. Capital regulation and islamic bangking performance: panel evidence 4. analysing the demand for financial assets in Indonesia 5. Which variables predict indonesia's inflation? 6. Do information and communic…
Koleksi Buku Pustaka Pusat Unand
1. Fokus 2. Kolom 3. Kipedia 4. Pojok opini 5. Ragam 6. Bang hki 7. Neng ipeh
1. The living wage: Theoritical integration and an applied research agenda 2. The role of institutions in explaining wage determination in the eurozone: a panel cointegration approach 3. Ownership restructuring and wage inequality in urban china 4. Factor income distribution and growth regimes in latin america, 1950-2012 5. Distribution effects of the minimum wage in four latin american cou…